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Aristotelis Lymberopoulos Print E-mail


Personal Data



Department of Animal Production

Faculty of Agricultural Technology

Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki





Date of Birth: 24th January, 1959

Nationality:  Greek


Phone: +302310013753, +302310791445 work

+302310281943 home

+306974904587 mobile


Fax: +302310791325

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Professional Post

Associate Professor of Animal Reproduction. Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agricultural Technology,  Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki.


Education and qualifications

1976-1982:  DVM, School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

1992-1997: PhD, Reproductive Toxicology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

2000 : Dipl ECAR, European College of Animal Reproduction





1985-1988: Veterinarian Clinician, Rural Veterinary Extension

  • Application of oestrous synchronization and A.I. programs in cows, sheep and goats.
  • Eradication programs of Bruccelosis for cows and sheep

1988-1995: Researcher, Institute of Animal Reproduction & Artificial Insemination, Ministry of Agriculture

  • Endocrinology of farm animal reproduction (factors affecting hormones secretion)
  • Effect of melatonin on reproductive parameters of Greek breed sheep
  • Determination of reproductive system hormones
  • Early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep, goats and pigs using hormone determination and ultrasonography
  • Application of different methods of oestrous synchronization in sheep and goats.
  • Evaluation and process of bull, ram, buck and boar semen.
  • Implementation of artificial insemination in cows, sheep and goats


1995-2010: Associate Researcher, Veterinary Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Foundation

  • Physiology of reproduction of Greek breed sheep and goats and the factors affecting their reproductive performance
  • Effect of environmental pollutants on the male reproductive system
  • Development and implementation of laparoscopic intrauterine insemination of fresh and frozen semen in sheep
  • Development of a new sensitive and accurate method for zearalenone determination
  • Standardization of a method for the evaluation of the fertilization capacity of boar semen using the hemizona assay.
  • Improvement of sheep in the island of Kriti by artificial insemination using chilled ram semen of Chios breed
  • Evaluation and process of chilled ram semen diluted in freeof animal origin extender (Morphometric analysis, acrosome reaction, Genome integrity)


2010-present: Associate Professor, Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, ATEI of Thesaloniki.

  • Teaching classes on:
    • Farm animal Reproduction
    • Application of Artificial Insemination in Farm Animals
    • Horse breeding
    • Animal Biotechnology
    • Investigation of a potential biomarker for semen quality and fertility (CYP19 expression)



Awards and Associations 


  • High-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry as a sensitive method for determination of mycotoxin zearalenone in food. (Award)
  • Study on the in vitro effect of zearalenone and α-zearalenol on boar sperm-zona pellucida interaction by hemizona assay application (Award “Constantinos Tarlatzis”
  • National Representative in the European Society of Animal Reproduction (ESDAR)
  • Member of European College of Animal Reproduction




  1. Development of non-surgical methods for the collection of oocytes from heifers and cows and in vitro embryo production for the improvement of high genetic value animals. 
  2. Short-Term and Long-Term Preservation of Ram Semen
  3. Development and evaluation of methods for the improvement of sheep farm management in the island of Kriti using chilled ram semen from Chios breed.
  4. Development of new freezing techniques and in vitro fertilization capacity of the frozen boar semen.
  5. CYP19 expression: a potential biomarker for semen quality and fertility.
  6. Synchronization of oestrus of ewes using progestagens for short time in combination with PMSG / GnRH.
  7. Management and genetic improvement of sheep and goat farms in Greece and Albania.
  8. Investigation of zearalenone concentration in the feedstuff mixture and in the pork meat and its effect in the productivity of pig farming.
  9. Development of a pilot sheep farm raising Scrapie resistant genotype sheep.
  10. Investigation of mycotoxin concentration : “a) Presence of aflatoxin M1 in the animal feedstuff and in the milk b) Zearalenone and Deoxynivalenone in the pig feedstuff and their effect on the health, productivity and reproductivity of the animals ”.



Technical experience 

  • Evaluation and process of short-term and Long-term preservation of semen
  • Laparoscopic Intrauterine insemination of fresh and frozen ram semen.
  • Hemizona-assay for the control of semen fertilization capacity
  • Determination of sperm DNA integrity (Acridine Orange, CMA3 etc)
  • Ultrasonography for early pregnancy in cows, sheep and goats.
  • Microscopy: phase contrast and fluorescence
  • Radioimmunoassay and ELISA for hormone determination
  • High-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry for zearalenone determination on the animal feedstuff


  • Extensive experience of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet and e-mail.



  • Greek (mother tongue)
  • English (very good)





January 2010-present Teaching classes for Farm Animal Reproduction at Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, ATEI of Thesaloniki

September 2004-present: MSC Department of Animal Production, Agriculture University of Athens

September 2000-present: MSc Faculty of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


2003-2006: Co-supervision of PhD student Ioannis Tsakmakidis, “In vitro effect of zearalenone on the capacitation and fertilization capacity of boar semen”

2004-2007: Co-supervision of PhD student Emilios Desiris, “Study of toxic effect of Gossypol on the reproductive system of rams”




 1. Applied reproduction in farm animals specialising in semen preservation and artificial insemination

2. Andrology-Spermatology

3. Neuroendocrinology of farm animal reproduction

4. Effect of mycotoxins on semen characteristics, acrosome reaction, membrane and chromatin integrity and fertilization capacity.




In peer-reviewed journals


  1.  Vosniakou, A. Karagiannidis, A. Lymberopoulos, G. Koptopoulos, P.Tsakalof (1991): Ovulation and Lambing Rates in Karaguniki Ewes after Treatment with Follicular Fluid. Theriogenology, vol. 35(4):785-798.
  2.  V. Laliotis, A. Vosniakou, A. Lymberopoulos, J. Doney, S. Kouimtzis (1997): The effect of melatonin in combination with progestagen pessaries on reproductive performance of ewes during the anoestrous period. Animal Science, vol. 65:71-74.
  3.  V. Laliotis, A. Vosniakou, A. Zafrakas, A. Lymberopoulos, T. Alifakiotis (1998): The effect of melatonin on lambing and litter size in milking ewes after advancing the breeding season with progestagen and PMSG followed by artificial insemination. Small Ruminant Research, vol. 31:79-81.
  4. Belibasaki S., Amiridis G.S., Lymberopoulos A., Varsakeli S. and Kouskoura Th. (2000) : Ram seminal plasma and fertility : Results from an ongoing field study. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, vol. 48:335-341.
  5. Amiridis, G.S., Belibasaki, S., Leontides, L., Lymberopoulos, A. and Vainas, E., (2000). Reproductive efficiency of three oestrous synchronisation schemes comprising fixed time insemination in dairy cows. J. Vet. Med., vol. 47:271-276.
  6. A.G.Lymberopoulos, , V.P. Kotsaki-Kovatsi, A. Taylor., N. Papaioannou. and P. Brikas, (2000). Εffects of cadmium chloride administration on the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of ejaculates from chios ram-lambs. Theriogenology, vol. 54(7):1145-1157.
  7. A.G.Lymberopoulos, G.S.Amiridis, B. Kuhholzer, U. Besenfelder, V. Christodoulou, E. Vainas, and G. Brem (2001). Fertilization and embryo recovery rate in superovulated Chios ewes after laparoscopic intrauterine insemination. Theriogenology, vol. 55(9):1845-1852.
  8. G.S.Amiridis, C.A. Rekkas, G. Fthenakis, E. Vainas, A.G.Lymberopoulos, V. Christodoulou, S. Belibasaki (2002). Progesterone concentration as an indicator of ovarian response to superovulation in Chios ewes. Theriogenology, vol. 57(3): 1143-1150.
  9. A.G. Lymberopoulos, C.M. Boscos, S. Dellis, A. Papia and S. Belibasaki (2002). Oestrus synchronization in dairy goats under range conditions treated with different PGF2alpha doses during the transitional period. Animal Science, vol. 75(2):289-294.
  10. C.M. Boscos, F.C. Samartzi, A.G. Lymberopoulos, A. Stefanakis and S. Belibasaki (2003). Assessment of progesterone concentration using enzymeimmunoassay, for early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep and goats. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol. 38:170-174.
  11.  A.G.Lymberopoulos, V.P. Kotsaki-Kovatsi, S. Belibasaki, A. Taylor and P. Brikas (2003). Εffects of cadmium chloride administration on the testicular growth and testosterone secretion of Chios ram-lambs. Small Ruminants Research, vol. 49(1):51-60.
  12.  I.A. Tsakmakidis, A.G. Lymberopoulos, C. Alexopoulos, C.M. Boscos, S.C. Kyriakis. (2006). «In vitro effect of zearalenone and α-zearalenol on boar sperm characteristics and acrosome reaction». Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 41(5): 394-401.
  13. V. Christodoulou, V.A. Bampidis, A.G. Lymberopoulos, P.H. Robinson, K. Ploumi and S. Belibasaki (2006). Effect of supplemental dietary biotin on performance of lactating ewes. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 130 (3-4): 268-276.
  14. V.A. Bampidis, A.G. Lymberopoulos, V. Christodoulou and S. Belibasaki (2007). Impacts of supplemental dietary biotin on lameness in sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology, vol. 134 (1-2):162-169.
  15. ΙA. Tsakmakidis , A. G. Lymberopoulos , E. Vainas , C. M. Boscos, S. C. Kyriakis, C. Alexopoulos (2007). Study on the in vitro effect of zearalenone and α-zearalenol on boar sperm-zona pellucida interaction by hemizona assay application. Journal of Applied Toxicology, vol. 27 (5):498 - 505.
  16. Kourousekos, G.D.;Lymberopoulos, A.G. (2007). Occurrence of aflatoxins in milk and their effects on reproduction. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, vol. 58(4):306-312.
  17. IA Tsakmakidis, AG Lymberopoulos, T.A.A. Khalifa, CM Boscos, C Alexopoulos (2008). Toxicity of zearalenone and α-zearalenol in boar sperm DNA integrity. Journal of Applied Toxicology, vol. 28(5):681-688.
  18. T.A.A. Khalifa, C.A. Rekkas, A.G. Lymberopoulos, A. Sioga, I. Dimitriadis, Th. Papanikolaou (2008). Factors affecting chromatin stability of bovine spermatozoa. Animal Reproduction Science, vol 104 (2-4):143-163.
  19. T.A.A. Khalifa A.G.Lymberopoulos, B. E. El-Saidy (2008). Testing Usability of Butylated Hydroxytoluene in Conservation of Goat Semen. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 43 (5):525-530.
  20. I.A. Tsakmakidis, A. G. Lymberopoulos, T. A. A. Khalifa (2010). Relationship between sperm quality traits and field-fertility of porcine semen Journal of Veterinary Science, vol. 11(2):151-154.
  21. T. A. A. Khalifa, M. M. Waheed, A.G. Lymberopoulos (2006). An Endeavor to Improve Longevity of Cryopreserved Equine Sperm. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, vol. 57:195-204.
  22. AG Lymberopoulos and TAA Khalifa (2010). Sperm Chromatin Stability During In Vitro Manipulation of Beef Bull Semen. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 45(2):307–314.
  23. A.G.Lymberopoulos, Ι.A. Tsakmakidis, T.A.A. Khalifa (2010). Effect of ram age on structural and functional competence of frozen-thawed spermatozoa in dairy sheep. Reproduction in Domestic Animals vol. 45(4):572–578.
  24. A. Tsakmakidis, A. G. Lymberopoulos, T. A. A. Khalifa (2010). Relationship between sperm quality traits and field-fertility of porcine semen. Journal of Veterinary Science, vol. 11(2):151-154.
  25. Tsakmakidis I. A., Tzika E. D., Lymberopoulos A. G. (2010). Swine artificial insemination: development and biotechnology applications. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, vol. 61(4):330-338.
  26. Tsakmakidis, I.A.,  Khalifa, T.A.A.; Lymberopoulos, A.G.; Michos, I.A.; Boscos, C.M (2011). Evaluation of common in vitro used chemicals' effect on motility and chromatin stability of boar spermatozoa. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, vol. 62(2):118-124.
  27. IA Tsakmakidis, A G Lymberopoulos and T A A Khalifa (2011). Selectivity of porcine zona pellucida to bind spermatozoa with normal chromatin structure. Andrologia, vol. 43(5):358-360.
  28. Georgios D. Kourousekos, Ekaterini Theodosiadou, Sofia Belibasaki, Konstantinos Deligiannis, Theodoros Koukoulas, Konstantinos Zoulfos, Aristotelis G. Lymberopoulos (2012). Effects of aflatoxin B1 administration on Greek indigenous goats’ milk. International Dairy Journal, 2012, vol.  24(2):123–129.





  1. Lymberopoulos AG, Boscos CM, Belibasaki S, Dellis S and Papia A. (2000). Τhe effectivness of different oestrus syncronization regimes in dairy goats during transitional period. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR), Prague, Czech, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, pp 46-47.
  2. G.S. Amiridis, C.A. Rekkas., A.G. Lymberopoulos, V. Christodoulou, G. Fthenakis, E. Vainas, S. Belibasaki (2001). Blood progesterone as an indicator of ovarian response to superovulation in Chios ewes. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR), Vienna, Austria, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, pp 49.
  3. Boscos CM, Belibasaki S., Lymberopoulos A.G., Samartzi F., Stefanakis A. (2001). Assessment of progesterone concentration using EIA for early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep and goats. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR), Vienna, Austria, (ESDAR), Reproduction in Domestic Animals, pp 52.
  4. Α. Tsakalof, A.G.Lymberopoulos, M. Dobrota (2002). High-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry as a sensitive method for determination of mycotoxin zearalenone in food. Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic Conference of Toxicology, Iraklio, Kriti, 2002, pp 54.
  5. IA Tsakmakidis, C Alexopoulos, AG Lymberopoulos and SC Kyriakis (2004). In vitro effect of zearalenone and α-zearalenol on induced acrosome reaction of boar sperm. Proceedings of 8th Conference of ESDAR, 7-9 September 2004, Warsaw, Poland,Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 39 (4), pp 267.
  6. IA Tsakmakidis, C Alexopoulos, AG Lymberopoulos and SC Kyriakis (2004). In vitro effect of zearalenone and α-zearalenol on boar sperm characteristics and acrosome reaction (AR). Proceedings of 8th Conference of ESDAR, 7-9 September 2004, Warsaw, Poland, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol. 39(4):259.
  7. AG Lymberopoulos, TAA Khalifa, CA Rekkas, S Belibasaki, F Samartzi (2006). Influence of artificial insemination (ai) and estrus regulation on fecundity of ewes. Proceedings of 10th Conference of ESDAR, 7-9 September 2006, Portoroz-Lipica, Slovenia, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 41 suppl. s2, pp 374.
  8. TAA Khalifa, CA Rekkas, AG Lymberopoulos, EA Rekka, S Belibasaki (2006). Assessment of sperm genomic integrity of beef bulls. Proceedings of 10th Conference of ESDAR, 7-9 September 2006, Portoroz-Lipica, Slovenia, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 41, Suppl. s2, pp 313.
  9. TAA Khalifa, AG Lymberopoulos, S Belibasaki, E Vainas, E Saratsi (2006). Impact of lactation on fecundity of ewes. Proceedings of 10th Conference of ESDAR, 7-9 September 2006, Portoroz-Lipica, Slovenia, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 41 Suppl. s2, pp 309.
  10. AG Lymberopoulos, TAA Khalifa, IA Tsakmakidis, E. Theodosiadou, S Belibasaki (2006). Effect of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) administration on fertility and prolificacy of dairy ewes. Proceedings of 10th Conference of ESDAR, 7-9 September 2006, Portoroz-Lipica, Slovenia, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 41, Suppl. s2, pp 374.
  11. AG Lymberopoulos, TAA Khalifa, CA Rekkas, I Dimitriadis, Th Papanikolaou, F Samartzi, E. Theodosiadou, E Vainas (2006). Influence of within-ejaculate variation on in-vitro fertilizing ability of bull spermatozoa. Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Spermatology, Madrid 2006, p 103.
  12. IA Tsakmakidis, AG Lymberopoulos, TAA Khalifa, E Vainas, CM Boscos, TT Avramidis, C Alexopoulos (2006). Some aspects of in-vitro boar sperm-zona pellucida interaction: observations under non-toxic and toxic conditions by hemizona assay. Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Spermatology, Madrid 2006, p 97.
  13. TAA Khalifa and AG Lymberopoulos (2007). Effect of Body Condition Score (BCS) on Estrous Cycle Characteristics of Mares. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference 2007 of ESDAR, 19-23 September 2007, Celle, Germany, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 42 (Suppl.2), pp 131.
  14. AG Lymberopoulos and TAA Khalifa (2007). Effect of Follicular Fluid on Chromatin Stability of Bovine Spermatozoa. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference 2007 of ESDAR, 19-23 September 2007, Celle, Germany. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 42 (Suppl.2), pp 65.
  15. TAA Khalifa and AG Lymberopoulos (2007). Preservability of Goat Semen in Egg Yolk-Deficient Extenders. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference 2007 of ESDAR, 19-23 September 2007, Celle, Germany, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 42 (Suppl.2), pp 95.
  16. AG Lymberopoulos and TAA Khalifa (2007). Fertility of Chios Sheep Semen in Commercial Extenders. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference 2007 of ESDAR, 19-23 September 2007, Celle, Germany, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 42 (Suppl.2), pp 97.
  17. IA Tsakmakidis, AG Lymberopoulos, TAA Khalifa, S Belibasaki, CM Boscos and C Alexopoulos (2007). Toxic Effects of Zearalanone (zen) and a-Zearalenol (a-Zen) on Chromatin Instability of Boar Spermatozoa. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference 2007 of ESDAR, 19-23 September 2007, Celle, Germany, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 42 (Suppl.2), pp 92.
  18. TAA Khalifa and AG Lymberopoulos (2008). Sodium Benzoate Decreases Peroxidative Damage of Frozen Bull Spermatozoa. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference 2008 of ESDAR, 20-23 November, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 43, Suppl. s5, pp 60
  19. TAA Khalifa and AG Lymberopoulos (2008). Insights into Contribution of Non-specific Immunostimulants (NIS) to Reproductive Efficiency of Lactating Mares during Vernal Transition. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference 2008 of ESDAR, 20-23 November, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 43, Suppl. s5, pp 86.
  20. TAA Khalifa and AG Lymberopoulos (2008). Bioxcell® Medium Improves Sperm Chromatin Quality of Frozen Bovine Semen. Reproduction in Domestic Animals,Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference 2008 of ESDAR, 20-23 November, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 43, Suppl. s5, pp 60.
  21. AG Lymberopoulos, TAA Khalifa and E Theodosiadou (2008). Influence of Naloxone on Fecundity of Seasonally Anestrous Ewes.Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference 2008 of ESDAR, 20-23 November, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 43, Suppl. s5, pp 87.
  22. AG Lymberopoulos, and TAA Khalifa (2008). Effect of Cooling Rates and Extender Ingredients on Storage ability of Goat Semen. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference 2008 of ESDAR, 20-23 November, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 43, Suppl. s5, pp 61.
  23. GD Kourousekos, E Theodosiadou, H Ververidis, S Belibasaki, C Boscos, P Saratsis and AG Lymberopoulos (2008). Effect of Aflatoxin B1 administration on serum steroid hormones concentrations of goats.  Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference 2008 of ESDAR, 20-23 November, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 43, Suppl. s5, pp 102.
  24. F Samartzi, E Theodosiadou, Th Tsiligianni, AG Lymberopoulos, E Vainas and CA Rekkas (2008). Steroid hormone concentrations and enzyme activities in the uterine luminal fluid of ewes after superovulation.  Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference 2008 of ESDAR, 20-23 November, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 43, Suppl. s5, pp 71.
  25. A Saratsi, E Theodosiadou, CA Rekkas, K Angelopoulou, CM Boscos and AG Lymberopoulos (2008). In vitro effect of α-zearalenole on the preimlantation porcine conceptus.  Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference 2008 of ESDAR, 20-23 November, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 43, Suppl. s5, pp 102.
  26. IA Tsakmakidis, AG Lymberopoulos, TAA Khalifa and TT Avramidis (2008). Effect of heparin, calcium ionophore A23187, DMSO and temperature on in vitro induction of acrosome reaction in boar spermatozoa. Proceedings of the 12thAnnual Conference 2008 of ESDAR, 20-23 November, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 43, Suppl. s5.
  27. IA Tsakmakidis, AG Lymberopoulos, TAA Khalifa and TT Avramidis (2008). Effect of Incubation Temperature, Heparin, Calcium Ionophore A23187 and DMSO on Chromatin Instability (CI) and Progressive Motility (PM) of Boar Spermatozoa. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference 2008 of ESDAR, 20-23 November, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 43, Suppl. s5, pp 65.
  28. Dessiris, EA, Lymberopoulos AG, Khalifa, TAA, Theodosiadou,E, Kotsaki-Kovatsi, VP, Belibasaki S (2008). Does gossypol have a genotoxic effect on chios ram sperm? Proceedings of 16th International Congress on Animal Reproduction 13-17 July 2008 - Budapest, Hungary, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 43, Suppl. s2, pp 212.
  29. AG Lymberopoulos, TAA Khalifa, IA Tsakmakidis, F Samartzi, E Schmitt, S Desherces, G Delhomme (2009). Liquid Storage of Ovine Semen in a New Chemically-Defined Medium.  Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference 2009 of ESDAR, Ghent, Belgium, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 44, Suppl. s3, pp 77.
  30. TAA Khalifa, AG Lymberopoulos (2009). Towards Better Understanding of Equine Semen Metabolism. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference 2009 of ESDAR, Ghent, Belgium, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 44, Suppl. s3, pp 77.
  31. TAA Khalifa, AG Lymberopoulos (2009). Does buserelin decrease pregnancy losses in broodmares? Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference 2009 of ESDAR, Ghent, Belgium, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 44, Suppl. s3, pp 79.
  32. A.G. Lymberopoulos and T.A.A. Khalifa (2009). Effect of antioxidants on freezability of goat semen. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference 2009 of ESDAR, Ghent, Belgium, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 44, Suppl. s3, pp 114.
  33. T.A.A. Khalifa and A.G. Lymberopoulos (2009). Glutathione peroxidase activity in buffalo seminal plasma. Reproduction in Domestic Animals,Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference 2009 of ESDAR,  Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 44, Suppl. s3, pp 111.
  34. F Samartzi, E Theodosiadou, Th Tsiligianni, AG Lymberopoulos, E. Vainas and CA Rekkas (2009). Effect of eCG on steroid hormone concentrations and plasminogen activator activity in the genital tract of ewes. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference 2009 of ESDAR, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 44, Suppl. s3, pp 123.
  35. F Samartzi, Th Tsiligianni, E Theodosiadou, AG Lymberopoulos, E. Vainas and CA Rekkas (2009). Effect of eCG on the activity of glucosidases in the genital tract of ewes. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference 2009 of ESDAR, Ghent, Belgium, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 44, Suppl. s3, pp 123.
  36. IA Tsakmakidis, E Theodosiadou, AG Lymberopoulos and CA Rekkas (2009). In vitro effect of zearalenone and α-zearalenol on the plasminogen activator activity (PAA) of boar sperm after induced acrosome reaction (AR) Semen. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference 2009 of ESDAR, Ghent, Belgium,  Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 44, Suppl. s3, pp 129.
  37. IA Tsakmakidis, AG Lymberopoulos, TAA Khalifa and TT Avramidis (2009). Field-Fertility of Porcine Semen.  Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference 2009 of ESDAR,Ghent, Belgium, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 44, Suppl. s3, pp 128.
  38. TAA Khalifa, AG Lymberopoulos, AM Nilang Laessker (2010). EquipureTM improves fertility of aged sub-fertile stallions after artificial insemination (AI) with cooled semen. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference 2010 of ESDAR, Elger, Hungary, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 43, Suppl. s3, pp 92.
  39. AG Lymberopoulos, TAA Khalifa (2010). Sperm chromatin structure of cooled-transported ovine semen.  Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference 2010 of ESDAR, Elger, Hungary, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 44, Suppl. s3, pp 96.
  40. T Khalifa1 and AG Lymberopoulos (2011). Chromatin integrity and fertility of frozen ram spermatozoa.  Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference 2011 of ESDAR, Attalya, Turkey, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 46, Suppl. s3, pp 118.
  41. T Khalifa, C Rekkas, I Tsakmakidis, A Zdragas, F Samartzi, A Lymberopulos (2012). Long-term storage of porcine spermatozoa in chemically defined extenders. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference 2012 of ESDAR, Dublin, Ireland,  Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 47, Suppl. s5, pp 91.
  42. T Khalifa1 and AG Lymberopoulos (2012). Chromatin instability (CI) of caprine spermatozoa. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Proceedings of the 16h Annual Conference 2012 of ESDAR, Dublin, Ireland, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol 47, Suppl. s5, pp 96.



May 2012 : Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnology, Banat University, Timisoara, ROMANIA (Invited)



Reviewer of manuscripts submitted to:

1. Reproduction in Domestic Animals

2. Small Ruminant Research

3. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society




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